Propel Your Orthodontic Treatment

Today, an increasing number of adults are seeking orthodontic treatment to enhance the social, psychological and functional status of their lives. However, an adult patient’s number one concern before starting orthodontic treatment is how long will it take. Thanks to the new, state-of-the-art PROPEL® System patients can now confidently achieve their orthodontic goals including a […]
Snoring Can Be A Serious and Life-Threatening Problem

Snoring is an important warning sign of Obstructive Sleep Apnea, also known as OSA. OSA occurs when the airway partially or completely collapses and blocks air from reaching your lungs. People who suffer from sleep apnea can stop breathing from five to over one hundred times per hour! It is estimated that over 85% of […]
Does Your Child Have Any of These Potentially Serious Orthodontic Problems?

While most orthodontic problems are not life threatening, there are some early warning signs that indicate your child might need to see an orthodontist even if they still have the majority of their baby teeth. These are the top 5 that warrant a visit before the problem becomes worse: 1. A persistent thumb, finger or […]
A Beautiful Smile in Time for Those Special Events

We want to help ensure that you have your new smile in time for special life events. Whether it is a wedding, graduation, prom, job promotion, career advancement or even a long-awaited vacation, Luv My Smile can help you smile faster with a new, simple-to-use device that can cut your orthodontic treatment by up to […]
The Aging Dentition and What You Can Do About It

You may have noticed that your teeth have slowly been shifting and moving. Many patients will comment how they had lower front teeth that were perfectly straight, but over the years they noticed they had changed. With the shifting of the teeth comes problems with oral hygiene and eventually changes in your smile. Patients come […]
How to Choose – Braces Versus Invisalign

Most patients who enter an orthodontic office typically know they need some type of orthodontic treatment, but for the most part are unsure of whether they should have traditional metal braces or the removable, clear alternative – Invisalign. The answer to this question will depend on several factors, which I will attempt to outline here. […]
How to Cut Your Orthodontic Treatment Time In Half

It is a universal truth that a gorgeous, healthy smile is truly the way to better health, bigger opportunities and lifelong confidence. However, for many people the prospect of undergoing orthodontic treatment for 12 to 36 months can be daunting and downright discouraging. Fortunately there are new technologies that allow patients to reduce their treatment […]
Flex Spending Accounts – Explained!
Flexible spending accounts can be a bit confusing, so we want to make sure you’re getting the most out of yours each year! It pretty much boils down to, use it or lose it, but let’s get a few more details hammered out, shall we? What is a Flexible Spending Account? An FSA is an […]
Mouth Guards – They Really Are That Important!
Here at Cater Galante Orthodontics, we are seeing a lot of injuries lately from children not using mouthguards as they are participating in sports activities. Mouthguards are the single most important piece of equipment your athlete can wear to protect their teeth! Santa Doesn’t Want To Bring You Teeth for Christmas! Dentistry Today states that […]
TMJ: What Is It? What Causes It?
So what exactly is TMJ? Temporomandibular Joint Disorder, also referred to as TMJ or TMD is a set of conditions that cause pain in an area of the jaw and may cause problems within the jaw that can affect one’s ability to eat, chew, and even speak. According to reports put out by the National […]