Ranked as a Top 1% Invisalign® provider in the US.

Luv My Smile - Grass Valley, CA

Brush, Floss and Meditate for Optimal Health

Luv My Smile

Your health is certainly improved when you focus on you and a healthy smile. Taking care of your bite and orthodontics is a great way to begin. Your oral hygiene contributes to your overall health, and most of us try to exercise and eat well to keep our bodies strong. However, more and more people […]

Does Your Child Have Any of These Potentially Serious Orthodontic Problems?

Luv My Smile

While most orthodontic problems are not life threatening, there are some early warning signs that indicate your child might need to see an orthodontist even if they still have the majority of their baby teeth. These are the top 5 that warrant a visit before the problem becomes worse: 1. A persistent thumb, finger or […]

What Everybody Ought to Know About Orthodontics and Your Dental Health

Luv My Smile

There is a goal in orthodontic treatments from Cater Galante  – a beautiful smile with a great bite. Your dental health is as important at age 18 as it is at 80. So taking the steps to ensure you will have your natural teeth for the entire duration of your life-span is important! Yes! It […]

Does Your Child Suffer from Sleep Apnea? Orthodontic Expansion Appliances Could Help!

Luv My Smile

Childhood Sleep Apnea is usually described as a restriction of air movement and volume while a child is breathing. Rapid Maxillary Expansion appliances were first described in the 1880s and consisted of a simple non-removable orthodontic appliance that young children would wear and could be adjusted by their parents. The orthodontic expansion appliances are used […]

Fall Is in the Air! 10 Superfoods to Be on the Lookout For!

Luv My Smile

The weather may be cooling off, but the produce choices are just heating up! These amazing seasonal foods are a great excuse to hit up your local farmers market! ALT TXT: Cater Galante Farmers Market The Possibilities Are Endless! Below you will find a list of foods that pack a solid source of goodness, and […]

Perk Alert!

Luv My Smile

The research team at the Boston University Henry M. Goldman School of Dental Medicine wanted to know: Since coffee contains antioxidants, and antioxidants fight periodontal disease, does coffee help fight periodontal disease? Daily Cup of Joe The Journal of Periodontology published the results: “We found that coffee consumption did not have an adverse effect on […]

Advances in Technology—My, How Far We’ve Come!

While browsing some dental articles recently, I came across an article which reported that testing done on bone chemistry revealed more information about the royal lifestyle of King Richard III! Our Teeth: A Unique Footprint of Our Lives The article states that a recent study conducted by the British Geological Survey, in association with researchers […]

Invisalign Myths Revealed!

Invisalign Isn’t for Everyone…MYTH! Here at Cater Galante, many of our patients have reported that they were told they were not candidates for Invisalign. We feel success with Invisalign really boils down to choosing an experienced provider. In our experience, there isn’t anything Invisalign can’t repair—even most “bite” problems. Just like with fixed appliances or […]

Keeping a Bright Smile during Summertime Schedules

It’s finally summer, which means summer vacation is hopefully on the horizon for you! It’s hard for us as orthodontists to take a break in the summer because we’re so busy with patients who have time off from school, but we hope all of you get the chance to travel. Just as a friendly reminder, […]

Do You Want a Better Smile in 6 Months Without Using “Six Month Smiles?”

Luv My Smile

My last blog post, about Six Month Smiles as a poor alternative to fast orthodontia, may have left some of my California patients feeling hopeless about lengthy treatment plans. Fortunately, I have my own methods for providing fast orthodontic treatment to straighten teeth and fix your bite in a safe, healthy, and ethical way. The […]

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