Health benefits of straight teeth

Many – perhaps most – people who want braces are motivated first by the desire for a better appearance. Nothing is more attractive than a smile with perfectly aligned, sparkling teeth. Correcting extreme misalignment can even enhance facial contours. Improving your appearance can boost your self-esteem, and that is certainly a valid reason for wanting […]
Gum health: Another reason to choose Invisalign
Like most orthodontists, our office is seeing more and more adults who want their teeth straightened. Contrary to the thinking of a generation or two ago, putting braces on adults’ teeth usually produces great results. For our adult patients, we always recommend Invisalign, or clear or invisible braces, over the other types of braces we […]
Can Adults Benefit From Braces?
Just a generation or two ago, it was rare to see adults wearing braces. The myth was that adults’ teeth couldn’t be properly moved. With today’s orthodontic options, we know that isn’t so. More than 1 million adults over the age of 18 (and even in their 80s) are improving their smiles with braces. Some […]
What is the difference between an orthodontist and a general dentist?

An orthodontist is a dentist, but a general dentist is rarely an orthodontist. Both orthodontists and general dentists complete four years of dental school, after their bachelor’s degrees, and both are doctors of dentistry (with a DDS or its equivalent DMD degree). All dentists with this degree can be licensed to practice general dentistry. However, […]
5 Reasons Your Child May Need Early Orthodontic Intervention

Parents ask us all the time whether they should have their child evaluated for orthodontic treatment even though they still have baby teeth. Our answer is always YES! Why do we want to see children even as young as age six? There are several reasons and here they are: 1. They have a persistent thumb, […]
Space Age Technology Speeds up Treatment and Makes Braces More Comfortable
Just like technology has advanced our lives in so many ways, technology too has improved tremendously the design, shape, and function of today’s modern braces treatment. The braces today that most Orthodontists use worldwide are individually designed to move each and every tooth in your mouth in a specific manner. This means that every brace […]
The Shocking Truth About Your Smile

Are you afraid to smile because of crooked teeth, missing teeth or yellowed and discolored teeth? The shocking truth is that over 1/3 of American adults are unhappy with their smile. This study, which was commissioned by the American Association of Orthodontists, also discovered that 36% of American adults believe they would have a better […]
My Child Has An Overbite
The term “overbite” is used in Orthodontics to describe a bite problem where the upper teeth protrude out over the lower teeth. The lower teeth can be totally hidden by the upper teeth, or the lower teeth may be significantly behind. Generally upper teeth should be over the lower teeth about 1-2 mm and the […]
Faster Orthodontic Treatment is Now a Reality
Most patients who enter into a orthodontic treatment whether with braces or Invisalign™ will most likely be in treatment 18-30 months, with the national average being 26 months. For most patients that are in middle school or even high school, it is an expected right of passage to wear braces for that length of time. […]
Invisalign Attachments: Why Are They Needed?
Invisalign™ is a proprietary appliance that allows patients to have their teeth straightened and bad bites corrected using a series of removable, clear aligners. These clear (plastic) aligners are changed about every 2 weeks and gradually move teeth into a position that has been treatment planned by an Orthodontist trained in using Invisalign. The advantages […]